Yoga: The achievement of union of body & mind ~ described as an art and science of health: using movement, breathwork, mind & spirit to find wholeness
My concept of yoga is a delicious capsule of time, where our “us” – our bodies, minds and spirits come back to one place, and delight in those moments of being at one with ourselves. My ideal yoga class, is one where we re-charge, re-ground, re-find enjoyment in our bodies and souls.
What is a Scaravelli approach to yoga?
“Movement is the song of the body …And this song, if you care to listen to it, is beauty….the body goes with it like waves in the sea.”
It’s about working kindly with the body, allowing us to move with ease and playfulness, being curious and compassionate to ourselves, having fun, no prescriptive shapes or moves. It is very inclusive and allies well with what is becoming known in yoga as somatic yoga – the gentle but intense self-awareness of how our individual body feels and what is right for us.
A stress-free, truly inclusive and accessible approach to yoga, with emphasis on the spine, the breath and using gravity to ground us. Scaravelli describes it herself as yoga for health, vitality and energy ~ “To your surprise, you will discover that when you are kind to your body, it will respond in incredible ways”
It is adaptable for those from the fittest, to those without ability to actively move. How fab is that 🙂
Vanda Scaravelli, was a great yogini, an ex-dancer, who was introduced to yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar and T.K.V. Desikachar. She learnt yoga in her 40’s….and carried on teaching into her nineties. She believed in coming new to the mat each time, following and listening to our own bodies.
~ Vanda Scaravelli “Awakening the Spine” Yoga for health, vitality and energy, 2012, 2nd Edition. Pinter & Martin