Welcome – Yoga – isn’t that hard? 🙂

Yoga? Don’t you need to be thin, bendy, young and fit? Or maybe all floaty and alternative? Or spiritual and can meditate for hours?!

You can be all – or none of these. Yoga works for everyone from the fittest, to the most poorly or unable to move. From the youngest to the oldest, the curviest to the boniest. You might struggle to hold your head up, or maybe you can touch your toes. No matter ~ you come with the body you have, and re-find your joy in it.

Yoga is an accessible and inclusive health and wellbeing approach. You come absolutely as you are, and we meet – on the mat, in the chair or wheelchair, lying or standing or sitting; wherever and however you are.

Fancy finding some enjoyment back in your body? Got tight bits, graunchy bits, need some strength or flexibility or balance, want to get the tiniest movement easing or got grand plans? Is your mind able to just be settled within you, and enjoy your body?

Wouldn’t it be lovely to gain some peace and calm in this mad world, and equanimity?

Does your mind fail to rest, always planning the next to-do; or racing when you most want to chill?

Yoga can be such a delicious coming home for body, mind and spirit…..